Just wanted to share some pictures of our wonderful children.
Easter 2009

Lovely Lydia & Lily

She just made herself comfortable with only one egg in her bucket.
She must be watching her weight!

Can you believe they're both smiling at the same time?

It amazes me how kids will pass a hundred eggs just to find the color they want!

Still just holding on to that one egg!

This is the best out of about 20 attempts to get everybody looking & smiling at the same time!

Easter cupcakes from a dear couple in our church.

They sure were good!

Helicopter Air Show
Jacob & Lydia got to go inside the "helidockers."

After a while, Lydia was more interested in picking all the flowers.
Family Fun 
It's so great when they are playing nicely together.

Homemade cymbals

Princess Lydia & her friend Princess Sammy

Who needs a jack-in-the-box?

We have kids-in-a-box!

It's amazing when a hug & WWF wrestling look the same!

There's nothing like a good ice cream on a hot Florida day!

Kids take everything so literally.
Here I said, "Smile. Show me your teeth."
Silly Lily
Never have I seen a child with so many different expressions.
She sure does know how to let you know what she is thinking!